Aspire Church Podcast
Located at the heart of Jacksonville, Florida, Aspire Church is engaged with God in His mission to make all things new. Aspire Church is not what you might expect. While the Corinthian columns and stained glass windows may lead you to believe you know what this place is all about, don't make your decision until you meet the people. At Aspire we believe it is the people, not the building, that is the church. We believe it is our privilege to represent Jesus in San Marco by creating ministry environments where people can GATHER to worship God, GROW in the grace and knowledge of Jesus Christ, and GO in the power of His Spirit to serve the world.
Aspire Church Podcast
The HEart of Worship | Part 2: An Obedient Heart
Gary Lee Webber
Season 2024
Episode 47
The quiet hero of the Christmas story is a modest carpenter named Joseph. Unlike Mary, the angels, and Zachariah, there's no record of Joseph offering a song of praise during that first Christmas; yet, without his faithful obedience, there would have been nothing worth singing about. Whereas the wise men brought gifts, Joseph had no riches to present to Jesus, but his obedience carried more value than gold, frankincense, and myrrh. Join us for the second week of The Heart of Worship, where we’ll discover that our obedience represents the greatest form of our worship.