Aspire Church Podcast

With This Cup | We Look Around

March 31, 2019 Gary Lee Webber

When we take the Lord’s Supper, we do it with a variety of other people who share our faith and our common need for grace. But as we look around, we may not find much else in common with our fellow worshippers. While the meaning of the Lord’s Supper can be extremely personal and should inspire us to look deep within, it also reminds us that Jesus’ love for the world should also draw us together. As the bread is broken from one loaf and the wine is shared from a common cup, we who were once disconnected from God and each other are united by love of Jesus. We will share The Lord’s Supper around the table as we hear stories about how Jesus is drawing us together.

As you prepare to share communion around the table:

1.       Describe the spiritual atmosphere of your home growing up. 

2.       Who played the biggest role in your faith journey growing up?

3.       How are the people around you (both at this table and figuratively) challenging and encouraging your walk with Jesus?

4.       What can (should) you be doing to encourage the faith of those God has placed in your life?

5.       As you are serving the Lord’s supper, ask a volunteer (or two) to briefly share how they came to faith in Christ.

6.       How should sharing this meal affect our relationship with each other? With future generations?

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